Fitness motivation

At first they’ll ask you WHY you’re doing it.
Later, they’ll ask HOW you dit it.

I know you all feel like this

Being healthy or being fit isn’t something you change overnight, it is something you really have to work on. It isn’t always that easy to keep up with fitness and healthy eating. That’s why I decided to make a little list of tips and tricks to help motivate you to keep on going!

First things first: Buy yourself some nice workout clothes so you’ll feel confident wearing them when you go to the gym. And once you have your outfit, it would be a shame to let them gather dust in your closet.

Find a buddy! Someone who wants to achieve the same goals you want to, someone who’ll kick your butt if you say you’re too tired to go to the gym, someone you know won’t leave you alone, someone you can also have fun with.

In terms of healthy food, prepare as much as you can the night before. Most people have the most motivation at night. If you prepare your healthy breakfast and a great lunch, you’ll have no choice but to eat it the next day.

If you don’t know what to do or what to eat, watch Youtube! There are a ton of helpful videos to help you out with workout routines and/or recipes.

Lastly, don’t try too much new stuff at once. You’ll get overwhelmed and when things don’t all go as planned, you’ll get discouraged to keep going. Take babysteps in trying new kinds of food, not everyone is a huge fan of kale or raw celery!

Good luck, let me know if these tips were helpful for you! X

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